The School Garden Project

From our experiences with the school lunch program, we've found that many children go without food for an entire school day, from 8 am to 5 pm, if no meal is provided for them there.

As a temporary measure, we have facilitated the provision of warm lunch (beans and corn) for the graduating classes in secondary schools. However, this is not sustainable in the long run. Therefore, we are working on establishing school gardens, initially at the secondary schools. The soil varies along Lake Nyasa, which means different schools can grow different crops. We hope to have everything in place to get started in 2023.

School gardens are a crucial resource for schools in Tanzania. They offer students hands-on experience in growing their own food and learning about nutrition. School gardens also provide an opportunity to reduce the costs of school meals, which is often a challenge for schools in the area.

Through school gardens, students gain an understanding of where their food comes from and how it is grown. They also learn about the importance of consuming a healthy and balanced diet. This can help prevent malnutrition and other health issues among school children. Furthermore, school gardens can serve as a resource for the local community, as surplus food can be sold or donated to those in need.

Support the School Garden Project

Do you want to help us establish a functioning school garden program?

You can either become a regular sponsor or support the project with a one-time donation.