Travel Letter from Lise Havn

Hello everyone,

My name is Lise Havn. Although I live and work in Australia, I am currently having the pleasure of volunteering at Herdis House in Tanzania, thanks to a recommendation from my cousin Arne. This school is a haven for orphans and children from extremely impoverished backgrounds who otherwise would not have had the opportunity for education.

Teaching the students in a classroom at Herdis House

My days here are filled with teaching English, entrepreneurship, and basic computer skills. Alongside this, I am working closely with the incredible family that runs the school to develop a business plan, particularly by enhancing their clothing production with a unique brand. Another crucial aspect of our work here is agricultural education. Thanks to Yasmine and Jan-Erik, the students have already received an introduction, and we are now working to continue this initiative with the help of local teachers. On top of this, we will soon be visited by two volunteer dentists who will provide the students with a free dental check-up, and those needing further treatment will be cared for at the hospital.

I want to emphasize how essential each individual's support for the Tanzania Project is. The small contributions we make can mean a world of difference for these children. So, when you consider supporting the project, whether through donations, purchasing products, or in other ways, know that you truly are making a difference.

With warmest regards from Tanzania,

Lise Havn


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