4 400 kilometers for Tanzania Project

Over the course of 6 weeks in March and April, Hanne cycled through 19 African countries – to raise funds for school gardens in the Tanzania Project.

Hanne has arrived in Cape Town and completed 4,400 km on her bicycle.

As Hanne herself says about the trip:

«Six weeks this time, 4400 km, Lilongwe – Cape Town. With this I have fulfilled my dream and I have cycled through 19 African countries. It has been incredible weeks on the bike, in the camps and in the tent. I have seen the beauty, but also the fragility of the earth that we share. We have the ressources, the knowledge, even the experience, in how to care better. I love the idea that we one day will make it.»

School gardens are an important resource for schools in Tanzania, as they provide students with practical experience in growing their own food and learning about nutrition. School gardens are also a way to reduce the costs of school meals, which can often be a challenge for schools in the area.

Through school gardens, students gain an understanding of where food comes from and how it is grown. They also learn about the importance of eating a healthy and balanced diet. This can help reduce malnutrition and other health issues among school children. School gardens can also serve as a resource for the local community, as any excess food can be sold or donated to those in need.

Hanne's bike ride raised 30,000 NOK and aimed to raise awareness about the importance of school gardens and help gather funds to establish and maintain school gardens for the schools in the Tanzania Project. With support, we can assist schools in the area to provide healthy and nutritious food for the students, while also promoting the importance of a sustainable lifestyle.

We also need more sponsors to ensure that more children receive an education and the opportunity to create a better future for themselves.

Here you will find various ways to support our projects.


Shopping bags for the benefit of the Tanzania Project.


Strand High School have raised more than 450.000 NOK